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Monday, January 5, 2009

Time of the Season or Sign of the Times ?

Did you happen to notice over the past holiday season how many people were cranky, impatient, rude or basically just unhappy. More so than usualI thought. I realize the stock market has tanked, housing prices are free fallin' and consumer confidence is hovering around W's approval rating, but I think our psyches have been infected with the blues.
So I decided to do a little research and after hours of research on WebMD I have come to the conclusion that,yes, we as a country have come down with the blues.
While I could only go by my symptons and the symptons of the people I encountered this holiday season. I believe without a doubt that America has the U.S., Worried Life, Hometown, Blue Jean, Bell Bottom, Apolitical, Come and Go, 3 o'clock, Black Out, How Long, Folsom Prison, Cumberland, Mean Woman, Driftin', Muleskinner, Kansas City, Laundromat, Spike Drivers', Catfish, Hesitation, Crossroads, Walkin', Roadhouse, San Francisco Bay, Struttin', 99 Year, Tombstone, Statesboro (which I'm pretty sure Grandma has them too), Madison, Deep Elem, Stop Breakin' Down, Lonesome Fiddle, Dem Ol' Kozmic, Dupree's Diamond, Wasted Union, Voodoo Chile, Just Like Tom Thumb's and the dreaded Summertime (cuz there ain't no cure ) blues.
If you know the blues then you know i've probably missed a strain or two. Feel free to tell me about it.
Gotta go, time for my medication.

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